you are not alone by jeanette leblanc

you are not alone

This past week – hell, this past month – it has been intense. Everyone I’ve talked to says the same. Of the deep sadness and the storm of anger and the descent to the underworld. Of the tears and the anger and the heartbreak and the grief. I don’t know if …

Bring it all down on the side of love

Today I bring it all down on the side of love and I’ll tell you now, yes, you should fly across the country just for 48 hours in her arms spend your last dollar and borrow more to get there steal words from the past and ink them along  your …

A crush is all hello….

{Today I went looking for a finished post that would work for Valentine’s day.  I thought I’d find a love poem, or a post written to women on the hard side of heartbreak.  Instead I found this.  Written ages and ages ago, and just waiting for a day like today. …

words :: revisited

{on my desk sits a black fabric journal.  it is a plain, ordinary, nondescript book. from the outside, it looks as if it could not possibly hold anything important.  only I know that it holds the most valuable thing I possess. my story.} 5.22.09 I’m in birthday party hell. I’m …